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Are Your Decisions Based in Love or Fear?

February 14, 2011

This is Valentine’s Day, a day we pause and think about love.

Usually we think about people we love. Yet love affects more than our personal relationships. Because when it comes down to it, everything we choose to think, say, or do is rooted in either love or fear. Everything. So let’s take a moment to think about our thoughts and the decisions and actions that follow.

Our decisions in business to (and how to) lead, follow, motivate, participate, compete, market, sell, hire, fire, save, spend, attack, defend, invest, report, communicate, train, merge, divest, evaluate, reflect, analyze, unite or divide … arise from a thought of love or fear.

How we choose to think and act with respect to industry, politics, finance, war, peace, and the education and parenting of our children is based in either love or fear.

Who, and how, we choose to be in any situation, in any relationship, in any moment, is based in either love or fear and we have a choice on which to select.

Love creates, expands, radiates, opens up, receives, includes, shares, soothes and heals.  Fear contracts, constricts, closes down, forces, excludes, hoards, covets, irritates and harms.

It is up to us to choose.

When we choose fear, we are choosing to be ruled by our brains, and without awareness, we are choosing thoughts and actions of fight, flight or freeze. We are choosing to survive.

When we choose love, we are choosing to thrive. We are choosing thoughts and actions that are in alignment with who we truly are, who we truly can be, what we truly want, as individuals, organizations, as nations.

When we choose love, we are inspired. And it is when we are inspired that we are in touch with our true nature. It is when we are inspired that we are creative, expansive, energized, happy and at peace. It is when we are inspired that our souls sing. It is when we are inspired that we achieve significant results.

So as you make your next decision, take your next action, take note – are you rooted in love? Are you inspired? Or are you coming from fear? Are you in alignment with who you truly are, what you truly can be? Or not?

How could you choose love?