March 20th, 2012

The sweet smell of spring is in the air. Trees are budding, bulbs are blooming. It’s a time of renewal. And a great time to refresh and renew ourselves.
Many of us are experiencing incredible shifts in our lives, experiencing grief over the loss of what once was, and fear of the uncertainty that lies ahead.
We think something’s wrong and nothing is wrong. We are experiencing the same type of challenge that a seed faces when it bursts through its seed casing; that a seedling faces when it bursts through the surface of the soil and is exposed to the light and the wind and rain, and; that a bud experiences when it bursts into flower.
We are in the midst of creating the next highest vision of ourselves.
Our brains, bless their hearts, have no idea how to help us during this amazing transition.
You may notice that old, negative, weak thought patterns are emerging. They can be the result of our previous practices of fight, flight, and freeze thoughts. They can be the result of conclusions we’ve drawn on what the brain believes are similar experiences. They can be a result of habits we’ve developed in dealing with past circumstances.
Remember to see these thoughts for what they are—thoughts. We are the observer of these thoughts, and we can choose whether to utilize these thoughts or not.
When these weak and negative thoughts reappear, they can be frightening. You may ask yourself, “Why are they back? I thought this was long gone, not a part of my nature anymore?” The key observation and reminder here is that the reappearance of these thoughts is, in fact, a form of detoxification—a purification of your thinking. Old, negative, weak thinking stored in your brain from past experiences is rising to the surface to be washed away. The fact that you are observing the thoughts and emotions, and not unconsciously surrendering to them, is indicative of the growth you have achieved and worthy of celebration.
Take a moment to acknowledge how far you have come and affirm your commitment to creating the next highest vision of yourself.
If you have no idea what that next highest vision of yourself is — then it’s time to re-invoke the state of wonder. Wonder what’s next, with genuine curiosity, and a sense of adventure.
Then take care to re-establish your connection with your highest awareness and re-align yourself with your true nature: Do the things you love to do, that energize you, vitalize your health, and make you smile and laugh. Help someone. Take time to be quiet each day. Practice thankfulness.
When we are in a state of purpose and intention, wonder and possibility, thankfulness, calm and happiness, we are in touch with our highest awareness and become inspired. We receive creative ideas on what to do next and how to do it and remarkable things start to happen.
I invite you to watch this inspiring video as part of your spring renewal and refresh process: Intentions, Affirmations, Resolutions and Invocations for Creating a Life Well-Lived.
What’s one thing you could practice to refresh, renew, and create your life well-lived?