January 23rd, 2013

I caused quite a stir at the Baltimore airport this morning. The security guy was looking at my bag on the screen and said to me, “Is that Gumby in there?” I laughed and said, “Yes! You can see him?”
He said, “Yes. I couldn’t believe it. I’m looking and there’s Gumby waving at me. I could see him smiling, too!”
He raised the screen so I could see. Others gathered around to see Gumby on the security screen — everyone smiling and laughing.
He asked, “What are you doing with Gumby in there?” I explained that I bring him with me because I always smile when Gumby’s around. Everyone nodded saying, “Ain’t that the truth?” Our day brightened, we all went on our way.
I bring my ten inch tall Gumby to all my engagements. He sits on my little table facing the audience, waving. He makes my eyes light up. He makes my soul sing. And he reminds me to be flexible, adaptable, and go with the flow.
How could you make work fun? What makes your soul sing?