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July 25th, 2011

Every moment, I am creating the future. Every thought, word and action of mine makes a difference—for  better or worse—in the lives of others. After I say what I say and do what I do, I don’t often know the difference I am making. Sometimes, my humanity kicks in and I wonder if a blog, or a talk, makes any difference at all.

A friend of mine called to tell me about a blog written by Christy Morgan, a young chef, and a new author and speaker who made her debut at the French Meadows Annual Macrobiotic Conference and Camp that I attended a couple weeks ago. Seems I made a difference in Christy’s life and work.  

Christy shared: “I had the opportunity to give a lecture about how to make a healthy lifestyle work in your everyday life. Before my lecture I got a pep talk from my friend and amazing speaker, Mary Lore, because I get pretty nervous in these situations. She called me the future generation of teachers, no pressure!! … Mary taught me that I create my reality. She teaches a class teaches about how our thoughts create our reality. If you have negative thoughts that aren’t working for you, that is what will continue to show up in your life. You must create new thoughts and fall out of old patterns. Our old thoughts come to us so quickly from our brains that it really takes awareness to stop, recognize the old thoughts, then make a conscious choice to create a new thought. This happens with everything in our life! Right before my class I started getting a little anxious about it. I had to breathe, pause and remind myself that I know my stuff and have no problem giving a lecture. I used to be terrified of speaking in front of others – I’m not anymore. I asked Mary to come to my class and give me helpful criticism after to help me grow as a speaker. She had really good things to say. Then another teacher who attended the class came up to me and told me how much she enjoyed it. Then I had some of the younger people at camp say they were very inspired by my talk. I was thrilled and realized that no matter how nervous I get I have a lot to share with the world. “

When it comes down to it, I am either inspired or I’m not. And it’s when I’m inspired I that I achieve significant results. Because of something I said and did, I helped Christy ignite inspiration. She became inspired and inspiring. Because Christy posted about it, I became aware of a difference I had made, which ignited inspiration in me.

I invite you to check out Christy’s website at and Christy’s book Blissful Bites: Vegan Meals That Nourish Mind, Body, and Planet.  Christy is making a difference in the lives of those who are busy AND are committed to eating healthy, naturally, and happily. I have made and enjoyed several recipes from the book and they are quick, easy, and delicious!

As you interact with others doing the day, how could you make difference?