October 3rd, 2011

We are moving into that time of year that we call cold and flu season. We speak of it with such certainty. And that’s the problem. We think of the cold and flu season with certainty—as if it’s reality—and it is not reality. It is the reality we have created for ourselves, individually and collectively. With a little self-awareness and Managing Thought, we can put and end to cold and flu season, take back control of our health and boost our immunity.
Right now your brain might be saying, “Hey! Everyone gets a cold or the flu at this time of year.” Your brain may even be citing statistics or reciting the multitude of marketing and advertising messages about cold and flu season. Please thank your brain for sharing and remember, just because something is common, does not mean it is normal, or natural, or that it has to be true for you.
We act as if we are victims of cold and flu season. We aren’t. We are victims of our thoughts about cold and flu season, thoughts we continue to have and hold on the inevitability of our catching a cold and getting the flu at this time every year — slides we continue to put into our ViewMasters®. With the cold and flu season slide stuck in our ViewMasters, we don’t see that we are creating the cold and flu season, that our minds and bodies are re-acting the cold and flu seasons of our past as we make hundreds of choices every day that negatively impact our immune system and our health.
The good news is: We can change the slides! We can focus on what we want (good health and a strong immune system) instead of re-acting what we don’t want (cold and flu.)
If you think thoughts such as “I get a cold this time every year,” “Whenever I get a cold, it always turns into bronchitis,” or “When one kid comes home sick, we all get sick,” you are focused on what you don’t want. You are also instructing your brain to cause your body to get a cold this time every year, to get bronchitis, and get sick with whatever your kids bring home. Your brain makes your body do exactly what you have told it to do. And your brain has no instructions to follow to help you cultivate health or strengthen your immune system. It’s too busy looking for evidence that it’s flu season and fulfilling your instructions to get sick!
It’s time for us to pay attention to what is negatively impacting our immune system at this time of year: The change of seasons, the stress of managing our selves and our kids and all the activities of school, making 4th quarter numbers at work, preparing budgets and plans for next year, getting ready for the holiday, foregoing sleep and exercise, and eating fast foods that do little to strengthen our nourish our bodies.
So when you catch yourself with the Cold and Flu Season slide in your ViewMaster, take a moment to replace it with your I Choose Health, Happiness and a Strong Immune System slide and see what happens. Choose the How can I move and shake my body today? Choose the I Wonder how I can take care of my body today slide, the What can I choose to eat and drink that fuels my body? slide and see what happens.
We can create slides on taking time to be quiet each day, breathing, relaxing, laughing, practicing thankfulness, and focusing on what we care about, all of which boost our immune systems. When our brains receive these instructions, they search for opportunities to create that reality. We start scheduling water breaks, noticing vegetables on the menu, taking walks, breathing, relaxing, connecting with family and friends and creating happiness and significance in our lives.
How could you say No! to colds and flu and take ownership of your health & vitality?