November 23rd, 2012

A woman emailed me. She said she was exhausted and frustrated by a laundry list of problems. People in her field of work were burnt out and she was burning out. She took a few days to visit some friends, to get some rest, think, and hopefully become unstuck.
Her friends left a gift for her on the bedside table — the book, Managing Thought. As she read the book, she realized that some of her problems, and of those in her profession, were creations of limiting beliefs they had cast upon themselves. She realized that her real answers to her question, “How to get unstuck?” involved thinking differently about who she is, what she wants, and how she works with those she serves.
She was thankful that her friends were aware of the book, read the book, and gave her the book. It changed her life. And it’s changing the lives of many, because this woman leads an association of teachers, administrators, social workers, principals, program directors, and librarians who are dedicated to the education of young children and their families. The ripple effect is of considerable magnitude.
Wow! I love this story because it brings to life what I say at the end of every workshop I do: Practicing self-awareness and managing my thoughts is the best gift I give to myself, those with whom I live, work, and play, and through the ripple effect, the world.
Confucius once said: To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order (I add organizations to this); to put the family in order, we must first cultivate ourselves.
We cultivate our selves by managing our thoughts. We change the world … one thought at a time.
What thoughts are you cultivating? What gift are you giving the world?
PS I invite you to give the gift of Managing Thought to yourself, your friends, your family (age twelve and up), colleagues, management teams. Choose whatever style works for you– coaching, workshops, and hardcover, kindle, audio, video, print: The Multiple Award-Winning Book, Audio Book, workshop DVD, and the new Thankfulness Companion Guide Audio Book and PDF.