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The Spring Equinox – Time to Celebrate Our Life and Work and Enjoy a Fresh Start

March 20th, 2013

Spring - Creating Intentions

Spring is a time of transition in nature and within ourselves. Many traditions around the world mark this time as the true beginning of the year. (March was the first month of the year in the original Roman calendar – a fun fact!)

As bulbs burst through the soil and buds form on the trees, we too can celebrate our life and work  and enjoy a fresh start.

Back in the 90’s, I had the pleasure of working outside of Paris for several years. There, I learned to celebrate the simple joys of each season. We celebrated when the green beans and asparagus were in season, when flowers were at peak color, and of course, there was Beaujolais Nouveau day!

To celebrate spring, I prepare a special meal, organic and colorful. I set a beautiful table graced with daffodils.  I light candles with a floral essence. I say special prayers. I count my blessings and I invite blessings into my life and work.

I look at what I am thankful for in my work, I wonder what’s possible and re-ignite my sense of purpose and refresh my vision and intentions.

I use this inspiring video to refresh and renew my intentions for my life.

How could you celebrate spring? How could you refresh and renew your intentions for your life well-lived and job well-done?