September 13th, 2011

Today is Positive Thinking Day!
Okay – be honest – what did you think as soon as you read the words, “It’s Positive Thinking Day?”
Did you jump for joy? Or did you groan?
I don’t use the term positive thinking. Each one of us has different thoughts, different beliefs and expectations around the term positive thinking. It works, or it doesn’t work, or it works temporarily.
For this reason, I coined the term powerful thinking and developed the Managing Thought® process. Because to me, managing my thoughts isn’t about getting rid of the negative thoughts I have and replacing them with positive thoughts. It isn’t about thinking positive, happy, rah-rah thoughts.
It is about being aware of the 60,000 thoughts my brain could present to me every day – about one a second – and choosing to hold thoughts that are in alignment with who I aspire to be and what I wish to create.
Most of us have not thought about our thoughts. We have no idea what we are thinking in each moment. We have no idea what we are creating with each thought — individually and collectively. And we have no idea the difference that we make in our world, in the world, with just one thought.
We have taught ourselves to turn our power to think and to create our reality over to our brains. It is time to take back our power, to stop re-acting, and to start choosing thoughts that serve us in our lives, our relationships, our organizations, our communities, and, through the ripple effect, the world.
Imagine what could happen if each us started practicing being aware of our 60,000 thoughts? What if each of us changed just one thought – what difference could that make?
What thought could you change?
For more on this, check out my video and audio interviews on thinking powerfully and books that influenced me.